
Lock account while you are making remote changes

If you are switched into an account to make changes we have an option to lock them so they don't make changes while you are making changes. You can do this by clicking ** Lock ** in the top right of the screen when you are switched into the account. When the account is locked the icon will turn red.
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Setting a icon on a container

You ca do a lot of different formatting on a container name including setting an Emjoji as the first word to use it as the container icon.
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Free SMTP Transactional mail senders

With a change in how we handle mail sending and using a transactional service over SMTP to do all mail sending for better deliverability we wanted to list a few free options that provide lots of emails at no cost.
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Merge my email login and Hey.CafΓ© login

At this time we don't have a method to do this, both login types use a different setup and has a different use structure. You can however move your resources between one account and the other by opening a container and clicking Transfer.
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I logged in and can't see my sites

The first question is what method did you use to login? You can have both a Hey.CafΓ© account and an email account on NodeHost, so if you maybe used the other method logout and login the other way.
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Sharing account access

We have tried to make sharing really simple, and we are using the same system as container sharing using Tokens. To share your account to someone else you just need to visit settings and tap on Tokens to get started. You can also revoke Tokens from this menu.
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Transfer your old panel account balance

You can now move your balance and close your old account. If your old panel account has no containers you can visit your settings on the new panel and click the button that says [Close Old Account].
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Old panel migration

At this time migration is only done manually, so it’s a case of setting up a new container on the new account and then copying files over via SFTP and setting up the database if it’s say Wordpress.
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