
Set container tag

Tags can be really useful for sorting on the panel, you can set a containers tag by just providing it in this API call.

Destroy container

This call will completely destroy a container and all files along with it.

Enable TLS on domain

This call will enable TLS aka HTTPS support on your domain, just make sure you have the domain and all aliases pointed before you enable or it will fail. This process can take a minute and you should wait for this call to complete.

Create domain

Once you have a container created you can use that container's ID to create a domain. You can also add the optional proxy variable to enable proxy mode.

Create container

To create a container you need to give it a name and also the server you want it created on. If you need a list of servers just supply this URL without any variables attached (other than API key if needed).

List nodes available

This call is the same as the one to create a container, but with no info provided will display a list of the different nodes you can use and info about them.

List containers

This call will display a list of all the containers on your account including the name, domain, and tag.

Getting and using your API key

You can find your API key in your account settings area, we have chosen to make the API simple and easy so all you need to do is call the API urls with your key in the url variable key. This API key will have full access so keep it safe.